
DNC: Polaroids

Rep. Barney Frank.
Activist in favor of permitting Washington, D.C. full voting rights in the U.S. Congress.
People's Legal Project attorney preparing for midnight arraignment hearings for arrested protesters.
Virginia Governor Mark Warner on the floor of the Democratic National Convention

Former Reagan security worker inside a mock-up of Air Force One from the same era.
GITMO protester.
At-large self-described "activist" delegate from Colorado.
Hillary delegate from North Carolina.


ariel zambelich said...

slaby, you are the polaroid king. i love that you're doing this at the DNC. keep up the great work, killer.

shawn rocco said...

slaby slaby slaby.
way to keep rocking it. i can tell you're having way too much fun. i'm a tad jealous. looking forward to your take on the rnc. cheers.